My Top Tips for Cleaning with Natural Products
The Natural Cleaning Made Easy guide provides effective natural cleaning recipes to clean our homes without the toxic chemicals that are found in many cleaners.
Plus, we get to make customizable cleaning products that smell delicious & are cost efficient.
What's included in this guide:
Tips for a clean & fresh home
Easy DIY recipes such as:
All Purpose Cleaning Spray
Room Refreshing Spray
All Natural Produce Wash
Dish Soap
Natural Hand Wash
Hand Sanitizer
Stain Remover Spray
Why Use doTerra?
After much research & experience with essential oils, I now only use & recommend using doTerra's essential oils.
Their oils undergo extensive testing (over 50 times on EACH batch) by their scientists & by third party research centres. They are transparent & share the information with the public from each batch on
The difference in strength, quality & effectiveness is evident. Because of this quality & consistency in their oils, they are used for research in recognizable universities & are also being used in hospitals, clinics & pharmacies around the world.